Worship Leader Bundle
Everything you need to sing these songs at your church!
The Worship Leader Bundle includes:
Lead sheets | Harmony tracks | Chord charts with band direction
Lyric slides | Bulletin Inserts | CCLI info
An upbeat worship song about how God delights in all of creation — even us! Based on the theology of St. Julian of Norwich. Great for the beginning of a worship service.
o god of life, all the earth sings to you
creation, it rings with you
New life, it springs from you
FEATURING RACHEL KURTZ — This song shows the incarnation NOT as God stooping down into a sinful world, but rather becoming one of us as an affirmation of our bodies and experience. Great for Advent and Epiphany.
O what a gift, O what a mystery
What affirmation that you’d become like me
These praises we lift, in bodies you bless and free
A great celebration of our Incarnate God
A simple song that invites the worshiper to remember to love ourselves and others.
Jesus, remind us
Christ, remind us that we’re whole
Jesus, remind us
That there’s nothing that we owe
This song imagines God as a river, leading us to peace. Great for Pentecost and Holy Spirit-centered worship.
Let the waters wear away, wear away stone
Let the current carry me, carry me home
A worship song that communicates the Kingdom of God as Jesus explains it: unfolding right in front of us and pointing toward justice.
Where love and understanding’s learned
Where prejudice is left to burn
Oppression’s tables overturned
O God, show us the way
Here are all the fabulous people who helped make this possible:
Ben Noble - producer and instrumentalist
Rachel Kurtz - vocals on Incarnate God
Reese Kling - drums